Sunday, May 13, 2012

Week 4/5 Catch up for Natural Light

Here are my lighting photos.  Not the best but do demonstrate the lighting principles.  The assignment was a good one and got me thinking.
This is my front lit - so to speak.  Sun was overhead behind me.  

Sidelit outside - got a few blowouts I have to learn to fix in post processing.

Side lit inside - window lighting.  Love this one.

Natural reflection of the sidewalk in front of her.

Silhouette on the playground.

My back lit kiddos.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

WEEK 3 - Photo basics

Week 3 - Composition

I chose to highlight texture, framing and rule of thirds/texture for this week's assignment.
First up is the rule of thirds combined with texture.  There are over 120 barn quilts in this particular county in Wisconsin and this was one of my favorites. Canon 5d, ISO 640, 50mm, f16, 1/160

Next - texture.  Beech log in the woods - lots of forest greenery.  Canon 5d, ISO 640, 85mm, f5, 1/200s

Last is framing - this is my kiddo in her favorite tunnel at the zoo playground.  ISO 500, 85mm, f9, 1/400s

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Week 2 - Photography basics

Fast shutter speed - more soccer shots.  Freezing the action was pretty easy.
ISO 400, 85mm, f/11 1/500s

Slow shutter speed - not as easy.  I handheld it because I couldn't find my tripod.
ISO 1600, 85mm, f/13, 0.60s

 Panning - at the local zoo we have a carousel which is indoors so the light was better for capturing this kind of shot.  Pretty hard - need to practice.

This week's exercise made me realize that aperture is most often my priority.  I need to practice this a bit more and definitely need to work on trying to guess the settings so I am not constantly fuzting with them and missing the shot.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

 Hi everyone - still getting used to this blogging thing!
The shot above is my storytelling image.  I don't use this aperture very much.  I had planned to take some photos this weekend but the weather derailed my plans.  This shot was taken a few weeks ago.
Exif data - ISO 500, 50mm, f/22, 1/250 on a Canon 5d.

This is my Who Cares aperture - the kids are mostly on the same plane - first soccer game for my daughter - she's the one wondering what the fuss is all about!  Looking at my data now - I realize my shutter speed was probably too low for my focal length.  Exif data: ISO 400, 250mm, f13, 1/250
This is my singular image for the week - I was unable to do the near/far but will play around with it on my own.  Exif data: ISO 400, 85mm, f2.2, 1/640.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

A photographer is born

Well - I have jumped in with both feet - taking Deb S's Breaking the Mold workshop via Everything Bloom. I plan to post my images here - for now they'll all be SOOC (straight out of the camera) as I have no post processing skills to date. But at least I am learning the lingo.
I also plan to participate in this challenge from - easy enough.
I feel like my head is going to explode sometimes - I don't know which photography book to pick up, which tutorial to study or which camera manual to devour.
Breathe - baby steps and I'll get there just the same.
On another note, I am on day 2 of the Be Well Cleanse, so far so good. Had raisins in my salad today and spent 5 minutes looking for a salad dressing that had no sugar or soy in it - found exactly one at WF.
All of this self improvement is going to kill me :)

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Week 1 of HBBC

Keeping track - I ran Monday am - 3 miles, Wednesday outside for 3 and Friday for 3 - not too impressive but food has been pretty good (except for the 4 TJ Candy Jo Jo I just ate. I should not bring them into the house.
Signed up for the New Years Day Dash 5 miler today - and will be starting in her shoes 30 day shred tomorrow too. Here's to good things and dumping that stubborn 5 pounds. No sugar is helping me sleep way better too.